

Certificate | Intermediate | 0 hours | Coursera
Price: Included in $49 monthly subscription

十大正规赌博平台大全排行与Coursera Campus合作,为寻求进步的学习者提供尖端证书. Courses are open to all learners. No application required.

Included in your subscription

Get unlimited access to over 7,在Coursera网站上可以找到5000种课程,包括指导项目, 由数百所顶尖大学和公司提供的专业和专业证书. 您还可以访问十大正规赌博平台大全排行市场中找到的所有39个专业证书.


What You Will 学习

  • 学习 about the role of the cloud architect, 基础设施设计和虚拟网络配置的方法
  • 以计算引擎为重点,探索GCP的基础设施、计算和存储服务
  • Deploy a wide variety of Google Cloud solution elements, including encryption keys, load balancing and infrastructure automation
  • 为Google Cloud Professional Cloud Architect认证考试制定计划并做好准备

关于Palo Alto 网络网络安全专业证书

帕洛阿尔托网络网络安全专业证书是为想要开始网络安全职业生涯的个人设计的. If you’re known for being perceptive, 持续的, 和好奇, 这个网络安全证书课程可能适合你.

这四个, 自定进度的课程,包括这个证书课程可以准备你在网络安全的入门级角色, with an emphasis on networking, network security, cloud security and security operations. 

这个在线证书课程是初学者的课程, 所以它让你有机会看到整个网络安全行业以及帕洛阿尔托网络技术.

当你完成互动课程和实践项目,以获得该专业证书, you’ll explore the fundamentals of Palo Alto 网络, including setting up and configuring security zones, maintaining a 安全 network, recognizing and mitigating cyber attacks, 识别和应对快速发展的威胁.


Required Google Cloud Architect Certificate Courses

Google Cloud Fundamentals: Core Infrastructure

初学者|信息技术|自学| 6小时

Google Cloud Fundamentals:核心基础设施介绍了使用Google Cloud的重要概念和术语. Through videos and hands-on labs, 本课程介绍并比较了许多Google Cloud的计算和存储服务, 以及重要的资源和策略管理工具.
Essential Google Cloud Infrastructure: Foundation

中级|信息技术|自学| 8小时

这个加速按需课程向参与者介绍了谷歌云提供的全面灵活的基础设施和平台服务,重点是计算引擎. Through a combination of video lectures, 演示, and hands-on labs, participants explore and deploy solution elements, including infrastructure components such as networks, virtual machines and applications services. 您将学习如何通过控制台和Cloud Shell使用Google Cloud. You'll also learn about the role of a cloud architect, approaches to infrastructure design, VPC (virtual Private Cloud)下的虚拟组网配置, 项目, 网络, 子网, IP addresses, 路线, and Firewall rules.
Essential Google Cloud Infrastructure: Core Services

中级|信息技术|自学| 11小时

这个加速按需课程向参与者介绍了谷歌云提供的全面灵活的基础设施和平台服务,重点是计算引擎. Through a combination of video lectures, 演示, and hands-on labs, participants explore and deploy solution elements, including infrastructure components such as networks, systems and applications services. 本课程还包括部署实用的解决方案,包括客户提供的加密密钥, security and access management, quotas and billing, and resource monitoring.

中级|信息技术|自学| 7小时

这个加速的按需课程向参与者介绍了Google Cloud提供的全面灵活的基础设施和平台服务. Through a combination of video lectures, 演示, and hands-on labs, participants explore and deploy solution elements, including 安全ly interconnecting networks, load balancing, 自动定量, infrastructure automation and managed services.

高级|信息技术|自学| 8小时

本课程使学生能够使用经过验证的设计模式在Google Cloud上构建高度可靠和高效的解决方案. 它是使用Google计算引擎架构设计或使用Google Kubernetes引擎架构设计课程的延续,并假设您具有这两门课程中所涵盖的技术的实践经验. Through a combination of presentations, design activities, and hands-on labs, 参与者将学习定义和平衡业务和技术需求,以设计高度可靠的Google Cloud部署, highly available, 安全, and cost-effective.
使用Google Kubernetes引擎架构:基础

INTERMEDIATE | Computer Science | Self-paced | 8 hours

In this course, 使用Google Kubernetes引擎进行架构设计:基础,,你会看到谷歌云的布局和原理, 然后是创建和管理软件容器的介绍,以及Kubernetes架构的介绍.

高级|信息技术|自学| 5小时

本课程帮助学习者创建PCA(专业云架构师)认证考试的学习计划. 学习者探索考试所涵盖领域的广度和范围. 学习者评估他们的考试准备并制定他们的个人学习计划.

Complete This Certificate. Get College Credit.

你知道,专门的技能课程将为专门的工作打开大门, 但你知道吗,他们还会让你离十大正规赌博平台大全排行的学位更近一步?

该大学已经评估了数百个行业认可的熟练程度认证,并授予相当于十大正规赌博平台大全排行特定课程的学分, as well as technical- or elective-credit requirements. 看看通过建立之前的学习学分,你可以为你的学位节省多少时间和金钱.

浏览 & 过滤器

Program Type

Bolster Your Professional Skills

通过十大正规赌博平台大全排行的专业证书来加强你的技能,夺回控制权或重新思考你的职业生涯. 学习, 通过专业发展课程来磨练或掌握与工作相关的技能,这些课程不会让你倾家荡产,也不会占用你的空闲时间. 这些在线课程可以满足你的好奇心,培养在工作场所有真正价值的新技能. 学习 at your own pace. 取消 your subscription anytime.

Showcase Your Capabilities

Through Franklin’s partnership with Coursera, 证书课程可以让你应用你所学的知识,建立一个职业档案,帮助你向雇主展示你的专业能力. 无论你是要进入一个新的领域,还是在现有的领域取得进步, 实践项目提供了现实世界的例子,帮助说明你的技能和能力. Project completion is required to earn your Certificate.

Gain a Competitive Advantage

当你在你的证书上加上一份专业证书时,会引起招聘经理和你的职业关系网的注意. 许多证书是迈向全面认证的一步,而其他证书则是新的职业旅程的开始. 在十大正规赌博平台大全排行, 如果你决定参加十大正规赌博平台大全排行众多学位课程之一,你的证书也可能被评估为课程学分.

Frequently Asked 问题s


When you enroll in this self-paced certificate program, 你决定你想多快完成每门专业课程. To access the courses, you pay a small monthly cost of $35, 所以你的专业证书的总费用取决于你. 另外,你可以休息一下,也可以随时取消订阅.



What prior experience do I need to enroll?

这门中级课程最适合那些熟练使用Linux操作系统和命令行工具的人, as well as experience in deploying and managing apps, including public cloud environments.


与您的专业网络共享您的证书,以证明您拥有作为云架构师向前发展所需的专业知识. 这也意味着你准备参加备受推崇的Google Cloud认证考试.


No. 市场提供的课程面向所有学习者. There is no application or admission process.

如果我完成了证书并决定在十大正规赌博平台大全排行注册, how do I get course credit toward a degree?

Please submit your certificate to plc@mbk68.com for review and processing. After your official evaluation has been completed, 请检查它,以确保所有符合条件的学分已被应用. 

You can submit documentation before or after you apply to Franklin.

分享able Certificate

Earn a certificate upon completion


Start instantly and learn on your own schedule


Set timelines that are convenient for you

Intermediate Level

为 learners who want to build on existing skills


Returning User

Have you taken Franklin courses previously? If so, you can log in with your existing credentials:






Please 登录 in the Returning User area.

如果您有十大正规赌博平台大全排行的现有帐户,但无法登录, 您可以恢复丢失或忘记的用户名/密码与帐户恢复按钮.

If you believe this to be in error, 或者无法使用现有的Franklin帐户凭据, please contact the Franklin University Helpdesk for assistance.

支付现在 to Enroll in Coursera Programs!

$49 per month, 你可以无限制地访问十大正规赌博平台大全排行与Coursera合作提供的完整课程目录.




We do not refund payment for online courses or programs. 如果你购买了一个在线课程,它不是你所期望的, please contact us at FWMarketplace@mbk68.com to share your constructive feedback.

Ask A 问题

Partnership and Group Discounts

如果你所在的组织希望提高员工的技能, discounted group pricing is available. Please contact:

Whitney Iles
Director of Partnerships and Client Management

Additional Options

如果你找不到你想要的,可能还有其他的选择. Please contact:

Strategic Alliances Systems & Operations Director

How It Works

  1. Create Your Account

    Sign up with just your name, email, and phone number. 这将允许您登录并保存您最喜欢的程序,当您浏览十大正规赌博平台大全排行的产品, as well as access any products you purchase.

  2. 支付现在 to Enroll

    一些程序包含在十大正规赌博平台大全排行每月49美元的订阅费中, while others are priced on an individual basis. 选择适合您的方式,并通过十大正规赌博平台大全排行快速、简单、安全的支付门户进行支付.

  3. Start 学习ing

    选择十大正规赌博平台大全排行的自定进度产品,按照您自己的时间表工作, 或者选择教师指导的课程,以获得更传统的体验.

  4. 分享


How It Works

  1. 报名

    Provide your name, 电子邮件和电话号码,开始了解更多关于医疗证书,并与个人教育顾问联系.

  2. Meet Your Education Consultant

    Enroll in your ideal program based on your career goals. We'll help you determine the best path & payment plan for you.

  3. Start 学习ing

    Utilize our immersive learning & dynamic exam prep. 从你的个人学生成功顾问那里获得指导和动力.

  4. Get Certified

    用你新学到的知识参加你的认证考试 & gain national credentials.

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