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任何企业,无论规模大小或行业,都需要扎实的财务规划和管理才能取得成功. It’s no surprise that financial leadership positions are in high demand. 根据Lightcast的数据,从2022年到2032年,金融工作岗位预计将增长10%.9%.

高级财务职位需要大量的专业知识和特定的技术技能. 获得这些技能并获得该领域高薪职位所需的资格证书的一种方法是获得金融专业的工商管理硕士(MBA).


MBA programs prepare professionals for advancement in a wide range of fields. 通常, mba侧重于培养领导技能, strategic thinking and general business knowledge. 那些准备进入管理层或更高级别职位的专业人士经常把mba作为进入这些职位的跳板. 

金融专业的MBA包含一般MBA课程的要素, giving students foundational knowledge in business strategy, 人力资源, 市场营销等. 然而, 他们比一般的MBA课程更深入地了解财务领导力的细节, with more advanced coursework in areas like financial modeling, 会计与分析.


MBA programs vary in length depending on the school, with full-time programs typically taking one to two years. 然而, some schools offer more flexible options. 十大正规赌博平台大全排行(十大正规赌博平台大全排行)的金融专业MBA课程是为在职专业人士设计的,只需12个月.

What Are the 招生 Requirements for an MBA in Finance?

在你申请MBA课程之前, 你需要在任何专业获得认可的学院或大学的学士学位. 一些商学院要求GMAT成绩,  必备的课程, or a certain amount of work experience to apply. 十大正规赌博平台大全排行的课程不要求考试成绩、先决条件或具体的工作经验. 相反,至少有2分的申请人.本科院校的平均绩点达到75分的学生可以申请单独考虑.

What matters most when choosing a master’s program? Compare features, benefits and cost to find the right school for you.


What’s the Difference Between an MBA in Finance and a Master of Finance?

希望从事金融职业的学生通常会在金融MBA和金融硕士学位之间做出选择. While both degrees provide a solid grounding in financial principles, 它们确实有重要的区别.

最主要的区别在于,金融MBA的重点在于领导力, 这意味着该项目的学生将探索首席执行官或首席财务官可能面临的各种挑战. 经常, students enter MBA programs with some career experience, while master of finance programs tend to draw newer entrants to the workforce.

 “金融MBA是面向那些想要学习金融管理课程、拓展金融分析和战略技能的个人的学位,博士解释道。. Kristin Martin, chair of Franklin’s MBA program. “The finance specialization provides a well-balanced curriculum, including courses that combine management and quantitative skills. 金融领域的MBA学位将有助于培养你的管理技能,同时为你在任何公司的金融领域工作做好准备, 尤其是金融业.”

十大正规赌博平台大全排行的金融MBA项目包含了金融理论课程, 数学, 定量金融学, 投资, 市场, financial reporting and analysis and valuation, the Master of Finance delves deeper into those topics.

这两个学位之间的选择完全取决于你的喜好和目标. 如果你想在金融行业从事技术工作,金融硕士学位可能是一个更好的选择. 相比, 如果你希望最终获得行政领导职位,金融MBA可能是一个更好的选择.


If you embark on an MBA in finance at Franklin, you’ll learn a wide range of general management and specific financial skills.


  • 有效沟通: 学会与利益相关者有效地沟通你的战略和关键里程碑, from boards of directors to employees across the organization.
  • 管理经济学: Understand and apply foundational economic concepts like market demand, 供应, 平衡, 边际分析, 生产, 成本与收入.
  • 财务和管理会计: Explore corporate governance, asset protection and advanced accounting topics.
  • 营销管理: 学会与你的营销团队紧密合作,应用创新策略和开发产品, pricing and promotion strategies in line with consumer behavior.
  • 人力资源管理: 准备好与你的人力资源团队合作,制定有效的策略来吸引和激励整个组织的员工.
  • 商业策略: 培养制定和实施组织战略的能力,使你的公司在竞争中领先.


  • 公司财务: 完善你对美国的理解.S. financial system as well as strategies for capital budgeting, 资本结构, 以及投资机会的评估.
  • 先进的投资: Develop the advanced knowledge of capital 市场, financial institutions and analytical tools needed to manage portfolios. Utilize computer simulations and models to build hands-on investment skills.
  • 全球金融: 准备通过深入研究汇率风险管理等主题,在全球范围内管理公司财务, 跨境投资策略与参与国际货币和资本市场.


金融MBA是一个在金融服务行业内外都非常通用的学位. 无论你是渴望在一家全球性公司担任财务领导职位,还是管理公司投资组合, 拥有MBA学位是一项宝贵的资产. 通常, 金融专业的MBA毕业生承担着重要的财务监督工作. They also often take responsibility for strategic decision-making.  


  • Chief executive officer (median salary: $179,525)
  • Financial manager (median salary: $131,706)
  • Financial and investment analysts (median salary: $91,582)
  • Personal financial advisors (median salary: $94,162)
  • Other financial specialists (median salary: $73,237)


了解更多 金融MBA的用途.


如今,高层管理职位的竞争非常激烈,尤其是高管职位. While a bachelor’s degree might get you in the door to a company, an MBA in finance can help you stand out in crowded candidate pools. 

博士. 马丁解释道, “金融专业的MBA学位可以让你在拥有类似工作经验的申请者中脱颖而出, especially those seeking finance leadership positions.”

In addition to helping you achieve a higher title, earning an MBA often comes with a significant salary boost. 根据Lightcast, in 2022, positions with advertised salaries in business, 需要MBA学位的管理和金融业务的薪酬中位数为120美元,每年200美元. Advertised jobs in those same fields that only required a bachelor’s, 另一方面, 工资中位数为80美元,300.

MBA课程也提供了一个独特的机会来建立你的专业网络. 在获得学位的同时, you’ll develop relationships with faculty and experts in your field, 以及未来的同事. 对许多学生来说,这些关系提供了进入新公司和新行业的切入点.

Advance Your Career with an MBA in Finance at Franklin

Ready to invest in your long-term potential with an MBA in finance? Franklin’s degree program is delivered 100% online, 为准备在职业生涯中迈出下一步的专业人士提供无与伦比的灵活性. Take courses at your own pace to fit your schedule and budget, and complete your degree in as little as 12 months.

十大正规赌博平台大全排行的课程由不同的商业和行业领袖设计,并由该领域的从业者教授. Join optional synchronous sessions with faculty, 演讲嘉宾, and classmates to ask questions and dig into challenging topics. 当你需要支持时,十大正规赌博平台大全排行随时为你提供帮助. 你的未来从这里开始. 

了解更多 about how an MBA in Finance at Franklin can help you meet your career goals.
