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博士课程非常严格. 不像硕士学位课程, doctorate programs are heavily self-driven and require the highest level of scholarly research and writing. For some students who are balancing work and life priorities with a doctoral degree, 这可能看起来势不可挡.

如果你开始攻读博士学位但没有完成,你并不孤单. 近50%开始攻读博士学位的人从未完成他们的课程. 

博士生停止学业的原因有很多. 也许你休假是出于个人原因、经济原因或职业原因. 也许你之前读的博士课程并不适合你. 不管你决定暂停博士学业的原因是什么, 你可能仍然能够完成你开始的最终学位.

Doctoral completion programs are specifically designed for students who have some doctoral credit, 但没有达到毕业要求. Let’s dive into what these programs offer to see if a doctoral completion program is right for you.


A doctoral completion program is not a specific doctorate program in and of itself. 在现实中, doctoral completion programs are another name for transfer-friendly doctoral programs that offer dedicated support for transfer students.

Doctoral completion programs are designed to meet the needs of students who are restarting their doctoral studies in an effort to accelerate their completion of their degree. These programs are unique because many universities will not accept transfer credit at the doctoral level. 

Let’s look at two of the common pathways you can take when completing your doctoral program. 


There are two stages of doctoral study—the required coursework and the dissertation. 如果你想完成你的博士学位, 您需要考虑您还需要满足哪些要求. 

如果你仍然需要完成课程并通过综合考试: Look for a university that accepts significant transfer credit and can help you complete your remaining coursework. 确保你明白:

  • 多少学分可以转换: 大多数博士课程总共需要58个学分才能毕业. 一些对转学友好的大学, 比如十大正规赌博平台大全排行, 将接受最多24个学分, 约占总需求量的40%.
  • 你的学分是否符合转换条件: Doctoral programs typically require credits to be applied directly to the degree, meaning the previous course has to be substantially similar to the required course at the new university. 如果你以前的学习不一致,你可能需要重修课程. You may also need to meet specific passing grade requirements or time requirements (often credits more than 7-10 years old won’t transfer).

如果你’ve reached ABD (all but dissertation) status: Consider a dissertation completion pathway. Some universities will allow you to restart your doctorate degree at the dissertation stage. 但是,在提交之前,请确保您了解:

  • 你可能仍然需要参加课程作业: 许多广告中的ABD课程仍然要求你参加先决条件考试, focus area courses or research and writing foundations courses to complete your dissertation at their university.
  • 入学要求可能很广泛: Universities that offer dissertation-only completion pathways usually require more than just graduate transcripts. 期望提交额外的文档, 包括之前的博士候选资格, 作品集或工作样本, 重新开始, 推荐信或其他支持材料.
  • 你需要对你的论文主题有信心: Since you will start directly at the dissertation stage, you will need to declare a topic. Some of these programs will require a learning agreement contract to establish milestones for completing your dissertation.


Accelerate your completion time and lower your total tuition cost 在每个学术水平上. 下载这个免费指南的提示,最大限度地提高你的转移学分.



Applying to a doctoral program to complete your degree is often very similar to regular doctoral admissions. 以下是你需要采取的步骤: 

  • 研究转移友好的大学,接受博士学位转移学分. 根据你以前的教育经历, 找一所最适合你的大学,同时也能接受最多的转学学分.
  • 申请该大学的博士课程. 提交申请和所有支持材料. Most applications can be submitted online and may or may not require an application fee. 
  • 提交大学的正式毕业成绩单. You will need to submit official transcripts for all graduate level coursework. It can also be helpful to submit information on the courses you’ve previously taken, 包括教学大纲或课程描述. These materials can help a university determine whether courses are similar enough to reward transfer credit.
  • 接受转学分评估. 您将收到一个决定,显示您获得了多少学分, 他们申请什么课程,还需要修完多少学分.
  • 开始! Meet with your academic and/or faculty advisors to determine your schedule and complete your doctorate. 


如果你 chose to stop your doctorate studies, there was likely a compelling reason. For some, the original doctorate program they chose wasn't a good fit for their needs as a student. 你要确保如果你回去读博士, 你选择的课程将为你的成功奠定基础.

Make sure you ask these questions before choosing a doctoral completion program:

  • 有多少学分可以转入博士结业课程? You want to ensure as many credits as possible transfer into a new doctoral program, 尤其是如果你处于ABD阶段.
  • 这个项目将如何支持你完成博士学位? 寻找那些提供专职指导老师的项目, 活跃的学生社团和广泛的在线图书馆系统. 所有这些资源都将帮助你完成博士学位.
  • 你对论文过程有信心吗? 许多人害怕论文的过程. It’s why ABD has become a de facto designation for those who stop their doctoral studies before they complete their dissertation. 确保你了解论文委员会是如何工作的, 如何建立里程碑,如何为论文辩护. Knowing all of this in advance can help you formulate a clear plan to finish your dissertation and earn your degree.
  • 这个博士课程能配合你的时间安排吗? 一些完成博士学位的项目需要亲自参加. 其他的则完全在网上进行. The structure and flexibility of the program you choose will ultimately determine if you can successfully complete it or not.
  • 你对完成博士学位感到兴奋和有动力吗? Personal drive and determination are two of the top factors in the successful completion of a doctorate degree. 如果你用心去做,你就能实现你的目标.


在美国,只有2%的人口拥有博士学位. 十大正规赌博平台大全排行在这里帮助你实现这一生的成就. 

十大正规赌博平台大全排行transfer-friendly, online doctoral programs are designed to support students from all backgrounds to complete their doctorate. 从开始到结束,博士学位可以在短短三年内完成. 如果你 最大化你的转学学分,甚至可以更快地完成. 十大正规赌博平台大全排行无所畏惧的论文过程, 教师的指导和同伴的支持将帮助你顺利毕业.

探索十大正规赌博平台大全排行所有的博士课程 看看十大正规赌博平台大全排行提供的博士学位是否符合你的目标.

了解你需要知道的五件事, 在每个学术水平上, to make the most of your transfer credit – including credits from technical/community college and military training.