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在线学位课程不仅流行,而且正在成为高等教育的一种常态. 对于许多学院和大学来说, 需求更便捷, flexible and affordable education has them turning to online learning.

从学位完成趋势来看,从传统教育到在线教育的转变尤为明显. According to labor market analytics firm Emsi, 2013年至2018年, degree completions for online programs increased by 30.而完成非远程课程的学位数量实际上减少了1%.2%.


但随着越来越多的机构加大在线学位课程的投入, how can you determine the best from all the rest? 十大正规赌博平台大全排行创建了这个指南来帮助你了解在线学位是否可信,是否值得投资.

在线大学可信吗?? 以下是如何判断.

Getting a degree is a large investment of time, energy and money. You want to make sure that getting your online degree will be worth it. 

选择一个 声誉良好的在线大学 高质量的项目、专门的支持服务和经过验证的结果是成功的关键. 在评估在线大学的可信度时,可以做以下四件事.

  • 确保你知道一所在线大学是否被认证,以及它有什么类型的认证. Accreditation is the gold standard of quality in higher education. 如果你正在寻找一个通过最严格的质量标准的程序, look for a regionally-accredited online college. 也, look research if the degree program you want to pursue is accredited, 作为个人项目, 比如护理或商业, 有自己的评审机构吗. 
  • Be extra mindful when evaluating for-profit online colleges. 一些以营利为目的的机构在在线教育方面有过成绩不佳的记录. 然而,政府监管帮助遏制了一些最严重的违规行为. 现在, some for-profit institutions have turned a corner, while others still put profit over student experience. If you’re considering a for-profit institution, 做深入的研究,以确保这是一所高质量的学校,并展示学生的成功.
  • 看看完成百分比,看看有多少学生完成了他们的学位. 完成百分比是项目质量和学生支持服务的良好指标, as well as a sign that students find their education worthwhile. 
  • 与在学院或大学有第一手经验的人交谈. There’s only so much information you can gain through online research. Reach out to the institution to talk with admissions and faculty. Try to talk to a current student or alum. 与这些人交谈将帮助你全面了解学生的经历.


When it comes to paying for school, grants are among your best options. 但你知道怎么找到他们吗? Remove the guesswork by downloading this free guide.


Are 在线学位 Respected by Employers?

This is a question many potential online learners ask. 但这也是一个误导人的问题,因为在线学位与面对面的学位并没有什么不同. 证书是一样的,只是你上课的方式不同. So when a potential employer looks at your resume, they won’t know if you got your degree online unless you tell them. But even if they do—it’s not something you should worry about. 

“There may have been a stigma around online colleges in the past, but the quality of online instruction has come so far,博士说。. 乔尔·加德纳,十大正规赌博平台大全排行教学设计副院长.  “现在, online programs are not only on-par with in-person education, 但一些研究表明,它们的效果可能超过面对面教学.”

如今的雇主看重的不仅仅是你是在网上还是当面获得学位. 他们真正看重的是你的学校、学位类型、技能和职业操守.


If these are the criteria employers care most about, how can you make sure an online college will prepare you to succeed? Here’s what to look for to make sure your resume stands out:

  • An institution that is regionally accredited. Bonus points for institutions with program-specific accreditation.
  • 寻找那些拥有最新行业最佳实践的项目和课程的在线大学. 专业领域的新课程和定期更新的课程是创新在线大学的标志.  
  • 找一个专注于专业应用的在线课程,而不仅仅是学术理论. Signs of these programs are hands-on simulations, 合作项目, and the use of industry-standard tools.
  • 获得学位的好处之一是扩大你的职业网络——在线学位也不例外. Find a program with industry partnerships, relationships with professional societies, 实习机会,, and faculty who are industry practitioners.

7 Advantages of 在线学位 for Working Adults

作为一个有工作的成年人获得学位与作为一个传统的本科学生获得学位是非常不同的. 作为一名职业人士,你已经在平衡职业、个人和社区责任. Even when completing your degree is a priority, you need a program that caters to your unique needs.


  • 在线课程给你更多的灵活性——从上课时间到完成作业的时间. 缺少日程冲突也会对留存率产生积极影响. 
  • You can often earn your degree faster than a traditional program. 另一方面, 如果你的日程安排很忙,有很多个人和工作上的承诺, you can also take one course at a time. Ultimately, the pace you complete your degree is up to you.
  • 在线 degrees designed for working adults focus on skill-building, rather than just theoretical comprehension. 合适的项目会教会你在当前职位上使用的技能,同时为你的晋升做准备.
  • 先进的技术提供了创造更吸引人的内容的能力. 它可以让你轻松地与同学合作,并与教师联系, so you don’t lose out on the interactive aspect of traditional courses.
  • 在线课程通常包括更频繁的检查和评估, 如果学生落后了,教师可以更快地进行干预. 
  • Participation is expected in online coursework. You can’t hide at the back of a lecture hall, 你必须积极参与, which can help you learn the material more effectively.

如果这些优势与你产生共鸣, an online degree might be the next step in furthering your career.

If You’re the Right Type of Student, an 在线 Degree is Worth It

You understand the merits of an online degree. 现在,你需要找到一所符合你独特需求和职业目标的在线大学.

十大正规赌博平台大全排行 is dedicated to creating 在线学位课程 专为工作的成年人:

  • 最大限度地提高转学分——超过90%的学生从其他学校转学分.
  • Offering flexible scheduling and accelerated degree programs. 
  • 通过经验丰富的教师和行业相关课程,为课程带来现实世界的视角.
  • 创建使用尖端和协作技术的引人入胜的课程.

探索 十大正规赌博平台大全排行’s extensive list of degree programs to find the right online degree for you.

Where to Find Free Money to go Back to School
Learn how to get grants to cut college costs.